Third Party Income Verification 448-01-50-60

(New 02/01/2022 ML #3653) 

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A third-party income database (Equifax or TALX) is an interface that is used to verify individuals earned income. Employers are not required to provide payroll information to this income verification source and therefore, verification of wages may not always be available through the interface.


Equifax may be used to verify income for CCAP, HCC, LIHEAP, SNAP and TANF and combination cases with HCC. HCC only cases will verify earned income using TALX through the Federal Data Service Hub (FDSH). Either source will provide the same information for an individual. Verification of income and employment received may be used as an acceptable verification source unless the information is questionable compared to what the household has reported. When the received information is questionable, a request for verification should be sent to the household.


A third-party income database source may be used when determining initial eligibility at application, redetermining eligibility at review, adding a new household member that has income, or when an income change is reported for a household member.


Data received as a result of this search may be released to the individual to whom it relates but MUST NOT be released to (given, mailed or e-mailed) to any agency, authorized representative, or other individual, unless required by law.